
CoffeeSaint is a fully customizable Nagios status viewer. It grabs the status from a Nagios server and displays it in a fullscreen GUI.
It is written in Java so it should run on all platforms (tested on Linux, AIX 6.1 and windows xp) capable of running Java 5. For compiling with GCJ you need at least version 4.4.5 of GCJ. It also runs fine with OpenJDK version 1.6.0 (and probably later).
CoffeeSaint is compatible with Nagios version 1, 2, 3 and xi. It also works fine with Groundwork.

Main features

  • Can display an image on the background (this can be an URL so you can display webcam images as well)
  • Remotely configurable via built-in webserver
  • Handles all Nagios versions
  • Can retrieve remotely Nagios statuses (several methods)
  • Can play a sound if the status goes to error
  • Written in Java so should run on all systems (linux, microsoft windows, apple mac)
  • Font/font size/background color/number of rows displayed are configurable
  • Uses "least squares estimate" to predict error count
  • Can show the status of multiple Nagios servers in one screen
  • Sort-order fully configurable
  • Can run in fullscreen mode - can also span multiple screens
  • Can prioritize configurable hosts/services (using regular expression patterns)
  • Can filter hosts/services
  • Sparklines with performance data (plugin data as gathered by Nagios) and latency data
  • Can run standalone as well as a webbrowser applet
CoffeeSaint has been tested with a setup of 800 hosts and 5600 services.


CoffeeSaint-4.7.jar - fixed a couple of bugs: command-line version did not work and escapes had problems
CoffeeSaint-4.6.jar - one can now set font-styles (\B, \I, etc. for bold underline) and tab-stops (\T). Please note that '--splitter' (or splitter= in the configuration file) now needs one or more pixel-positions where to start the \T. Added conditional escapes, e.g. @BIGGER^1800^%SERVICESINCETS^%SERVICENAME is down for longer than 1800 seconds@. One can now also set a 'pretty name' for nagios servers as well show the servername when viewing the status of more than one nagios server.The 'splitter' parameter has changed and 'split-text-put-at-offset' has been removed!
CoffeeSaint-4.5.jar - added %SERVERNAME which displays the Nagios server from which this problem came. this is usefull when monitoring multiple nagios servers
CoffeeSaint-4.4.jar - layout fixes
CoffeeSaint-4.3.jar - errors are now 'scrolled' so that you can easily see them, can now set time-outs on data- and webcam retrieval, layout fixes for multiple column mode
CoffeeSaint-4.2.jar - numerous gui layout fixes
CoffeeSaint-4.1.jar - '{ }' in nagios output no longer confuses coffeesaint, proxy settings no longer crash the applet mode, added filter for unknown and pending states, added NPENDING and NUNKNOWN marcos
CoffeeSaint-4.0.jar - outbound proxy support, seperate colors for soft warnings/criticals, can show icon indicating if a problem-state is flapping

Sourcecode available at request.

Example configuration file: bruin.conf. Use with: java -jar CoffeeSaint.jar --config bruin.conf
You need to add your own Nagios server either via the web-interface, via the commandline or by editting this file.


The manual can be downloaded here.
It is a PDF file.


In short: the jar-file is released under GPLv2.
CoffeeSaint is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, version 2.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.


Click on a picture to enlarge it
This picture shows CoffeeSaint displaying a couple of problems with a webcam behind them.

The following picture is CoffeeSaint displaying 9 webcams in one view.

As you may have noticed in the two images above: the header-line (with the counter, the time, the totals) looks different on these two screendumps. That is to show that this line is fully configurable to your needs.
The following image shows a regular error view with the duration added to each problem.

With transparency (version 2.1 and later). Of course, the amount of transparency (if you want it at all) is configurable.

With fixed width host-field.

With a (user selectable) logo in the upper-right corner and a backgroundcolor fade-effect.

This screenshot has on the bottom the output of an external script (using a temperature-sensor made by Cleware) which determines the temperature (using the --footer switch / footer configurationfile parameter.

Screenshot showing the remote-configuration-web-interface with Nagios performancedata with sparklines.

Screenshot showing the configuration-menu of the web-interface.

With lines between each row and multiple columns (for really large screens: version 1.9).

With font styles:

With sparklines (version 2.3 and later) - sparklines are small inline graphs. In the case of CoffeeSaint they display the performance data collected by Nagios.

Webbrowser applet demo

This is a demo of running CoffeeSaint in your webbrowser. Tested with chrome/firefox/internet explorer/safari/opera on linux/windows/macos.
click here

Webserver demo

This is a demo of the configuration-webserver.
click here


  • when invoking CoffeeSaint from a startup-folder on windows with multiple screens attached, you might need to add a sleep statement before CoffeeSaint as in some cases windows starts the program before the second screen is fully initialized; this causes the screen to be blank

Running CoffeeSaint as a webbrowser applet

How to do that is described here.

Send in your photographs!

Got CoffeeSaint running in your sysadmins room? Send in a picture! I'll add a link underneath it to your website.

Last updated: 2011/07/24