constatus - video streaming/processing application
disthro DPF - disthro DPF plugins (which translate to ladspa, vst, etc)
fynth - fynth is a MIDI synthesizer for pipewire
libhappy - libhappy allows you to interface a random audio-source/sink to a VOIP (SIP) server (in C++)
termcamng - termcamng streams a terminal program to a web-browser
veltim - this program shows you the velocity and the timing of your music-keyboard playing (via MIDI)
consolecandy - an MP3 player for the console; with special effects
soundsort - sort a list of audio files by how they sound like
listener - listens for sound and starts recording when certain loudness is reached
screensavers - screensavers
ppmtoansi - converts a PPM to ANSI escape codes
lock_tracer - calculates lock-times, finds double locks & unlocks (locking error checking)
httping - ping an HTTP server on layer 7
IPFIXer - stores IPFIX (netflow version 10) and netflow v9 data in a MariaDB/MySQL, MongoDB or PostgreSQL
MyIP - IPv4 / IPv6 stack (with http-, vnc-, sip- and ntp server) which runs in userspace on linux
libNSSNMP - libnssnmp is a simple SNMP agent(server), it allows your (C++) application to respond to SNMP requests
chess - chess programs
baduk - baduk/go programs
games - miscellaneous games
multitail - display logfiles, "tail on steroids"
rsstail - "tail" for an RSS feed
tcpconsole - last resort for when you can no longer access your Raspberry Pi via SSH (or any other Linux system)
ghbot - an IRC bot I wrote for NurdSpace
electronics - electronics projects
emulation - emulation of computers like MSX, C64, etc.
HAM radio - radio amateur stuff
crypto - all things related to cryptography
monitoring - monitoring (audio, video, computers, infra, etc)
time - time
texts articles
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